high school 于 Taiwan

About 1165 results.

Taizhongshisiliyushangaoji High School

Section 4, Dongqi Road 399, 423 Dongshi District, Taiwan

Shijie High School

Section 1, Guangfu Road 257, 300 East District, Taiwan

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Hukou High School

Lane 263, Section 2, Zhongzheng Road 21, 303 Hukou Township, Taiwan


Jiantai High School

Zhigong Road 251, 360 Miaoli City, Taiwan


Dongtai High School

Dongfeng Road 343, 310 Zhudong Township, Taiwan

新竹縣東泰高級中學 | 新竹縣東泰高級中學

Xinshe High School

中和街三段國中巷 10, 426 Xinshe District, Taiwan

Chengzheng High School

松柏村11鄰德昌街 231號, 304 Xinfeng Township, Taiwan

Siliyimingaoji High School

Zhongzheng West Road 15, 302 Zhubei City, Taiwan

新竹縣義民高級中學 | 新竹縣義民高級中學

Zhengxin High School

Zhengxin Road 1, 640 Douliu City, Taiwan

Yifeng High School

烏麻村長源 201, 643 Linnei Township, Taiwan

雲林縣義峰高級中學 | 雲林縣義峰高級中學

Zhonghua High School

Chenglin Road 2, 236 Tucheng District, Taiwan


Lishan High School

Section 2, Huanshan Road 100, 114 Neihu District, Taiwan

Xiufeng High School

Zhongxiao East Road 201, 221 Xizhi District, Taiwan

Huaxing High School

Section 1, Yangde Boulevard 101, 111 Shilin District, Taiwan

民國四十四年初,隨著一江山的淪陷,守軍七百餘人壯烈殉國,大陳島一帶的居民一萬八千餘人,追隨政府撤遷來台。在這場歷史巨變中,留下了數百位烈士遺孤、無依難童亟待救助。 蔣夫人宋美齡女士,一秉抗戰期間設置遺族學校的精神,為了安置這批失怙無助的孩子,開辦育幼院,在風雨如晦中創建了華興院校。

Silitianzhujiaoxuhuigaoji High School

Zhongshan 1st Road 1, 24753 Luzhou District, Taiwan

Nankan High School

Section 2, Ren'ai Road 1, 338 Luzhu District, Taiwan

桃園市立南崁高級中學 | 桃園市立南崁高級中學

Xisong High School

Lane 325, Jiankang Road 7, 105 Songshan District, Taiwan


Wego High School

珠海路, 112 北投區, Taiwan

薇閣教育體系中的薇閣中學是一所『中西並用, 走向世界, 也讓世界走進來的國際化學校』. The globalized school with an East-West approach to the world! Innovation, Quality, Responsibility ~ The synonym for educational success.

Siwei High School

Section 1, Zhongshan Road 200, 970 Hualien City, Taiwan

花蓮縣四維高級中學 | 本校創立於民國五十一年,六十一年篤信佛法的黃英吉校長(現任董事長)到校服務,秉持純正理念,以佛家慈悲心懷辦學,善待有緣愛徒,凡百措施均以學生利益為著眼點。四十年來,積極充實教學設備、聘請優良師資、兼重升學技能,已締造出卓著的辦學績效獲得教育部及學生家長的肯定。教育部核定為全國優質高中,為全國十所私立學校之一。

Yangzigaoji High School

Section 2, Linsen Road 541, 632 Huwei Township, Taiwan


Linyuan High School

Linyuan North Road 481, 832 Linyuan District, Taiwan


Pingbei High School

Juguang Road 168, 907 Yanpu Township, Taiwan

Xinfeng High School

Section 1, Zhongzheng North Road 148, 711 Guiren District, Taiwan
